My Favorite, and the Best, Basketball Courts in LoHi

Let me preface this post with the fact that none of the courts to be mentioned have chain nets. Why do chain nets matter you ask? Have you ever heard a ball go through them? It’s epic.

If you are anything like me, running for the sake of running just doesn’t cut it. I have to trick my body into aerobic exercise. Solution: play basketball instead of hitting the pavement. While my knees always kill after running games on concrete, there is almost nothing better than playing games outside in the awesomeness that is Denver’s climate. Here are my three favorite basketball courts in the Highlands (specifically LoHi since that is where my girlfriend lives):

Highland Gateway Park

  • This is one of the coolest courts I have ever come across (would be better with chain nets). What makes it so great? Aside from it’s prime location and epic views, just the fact that it bends at a 45 degree angle at half court. I’m sorry, what??? That’s right, this court allows for full court passes to made so that the ball travels out of bounds before landing in your buddy’s hands under the hoop, assuming they can catch. It makes for interesting fast breaks, but well worth it. There is construction taking place on the opposite side of Central St now, which will no doubt obstruct some of the view, but there are few places that have the views of downtown Denver that Highland Gateway Park has. As far as running pickup games, bring some friends. There are normally a couple people there at any given time on the weekends, but it is by no means the most popular court in the Highlands.

Hirshorn Park

  • Location is the major factor for this court being on the list. Located in the heart of LoHi, Hirshorn always gets a lot of traffic, so games are constantly being run. Had enough exercise for the day? Walk across the street to Little Man and get some of the best ice cream (or milkshakes if you’re smart) in Denver. Be willing to wait for 30 minutes on weekends. In between games, spend your time recovering and watching the most hipster children in Denver enjoy themselves on the playground. Parking can be tricky on weekends, so I recommend walking or biking.

Columbus Park

  • Typically has quite a few people playing (mostly high schoolers), so it is fairly easy to get games going. I know this is technically Sunnyside, but it is still walking distance from most places in LoHi. What’s so great about this court? Aside from the bleachers (for all of the spectators that will no doubt attend), Columbus Park’s court has a very well placed light that allows for games to continue into the night providing a nice glow to see by. Give it a whirl.

Hope this is of use to people in the area, and if you ever need more bodies, let me know. Happy spring!